Partners and supporters shared their thoughts on the launch of the first National Media Literacy Week. Press outlets also reported on MLW’s success. Read all about 2015 Media Literacy Week here.

The wonderful students at Cedar Crest College sent their thanks to NAMLE. medialiteracyweekthankyou

NAMLE Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla Lipkin guest blogs about Media Literacy Week for the Family Online Safety Institute

NAMLE Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla Lipkin talks Media Literacy with Larry Magid from Connect Safely. 

NAMLE Operations Coordinator, Alicia Haywood co-produced and co-directed this PSA explaining what media literacy is. 

University California, Northridge students created an infographic to archive their MLW activities/events.

David Ryan Polgar, founder of Digital Citizenship Summit, talks Media Literacy Week on Mass Appeal. 

Jared Geller of HitRECord discusses media and crowd sourced production to students at California State University, Northridge

Check out these links to the Proud2Bme Facebook Challenge.

Media Literacy Week Partner, NCTV media literacy week efforts covered by local press.  NCTV MLW Article.

ACASOLA perfomance honors National Media Literacy Week 

Check out NAMLE Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla Lipkin on Ed Talk Radio speaking about Media Literacy Week.

Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla Lipkin continues the MLW conversation on Blog Talk Radio with Talk! With Marie Show

Video footage of the panel discussion for Media Literacy Week coordinated by the Graduate Program in Developmental Education at Texas State and hosted by the San Marcos Public Library a can be found here and here. Panelists included Chris Gonzalez (a social media marketer), Eliot Stone (a social anthropologist and documentarian), Heath Allyn (a commercial actor), and Caitlin McFarland and Emily Gipson (the co-founders of the ATX Television Festival). Moderated by Elizabeth Threadgill. Photos can be found here.

NAMLE Board Member, Ethan Delavan, shares his thoughts on Media Literacy Week with Bush School community in Seattle. 

The News Literacy Project talks with The Washington Post’s Matea Gold about political fact-checking.

Let these kids tell you what media is all about. 

FHI360 Launches National Initiative during Media Literacy Week. 

Emily Long from The LAMP blogs about the kick off event in NYC with the Children’s Media Association. 

Check out the calendar of events from Sejal Patel, Photography Teacher at Beaver Country Day School in Massachusetts. Beaver Country Day School MLWEEK 

Vanessa Domine (Montclair State University & Healthy Teens, Healthy Schools) shares why she thinks media literacy is essential. 

Do you wonder why Media Literacy Week matters? Read this article by Frank W. Baker to find out. 

Kyle Morean, a technology and media literacy teacher at Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School in Washington, D.C., explains how news literacy can help students make sense of the 24/7/365 news and information blitz. highlights the launch of Media Literacy Week

Read this letter from Jessica Brown, President of Gateway Media Literacy Partners in St. Louis about the launch of Media Literacy Week in the U.S.

Jacob Burns Film Center shares thoughts on the launch of Media Literacy Week.

The Media Education Labsters are celebrating Media Literacy Week. See what they’re up to!

Check out the Media literacy Week shout out on the website for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

Norfolk Community Television wraps up their Media Literacy Month and joins the Media Literacy Week Efforts. Go NCTV!!!

From News-o-matic Reader Lucy, Age 9 “The Media Literacy Week is really good. You can’t always trust the media. They can say this and that but it might not be true. ” These pictures were drawn by kids 7-11 in response to News-o-matic story about MLW.


Check out these awesome pictures of Frank Baker speaking with students at the Academy of Motion Pictures in L.A.



At Journey School, a public charter school in Orange County, where Diana Graber teachers Cyber Civics, students in three grades celebrated the week by engaging in the following activities: 8th graders continued their exploration of gender stereotypes in media by conducting a review of both print and video media sources and blogging about their findings (see images); 7th graders read and assessed the privacy policies of popular social media sites; and 6th graders explored the “five themes of citizenship” as they considered what it means to be a citizen of the digital world. See these pictures taken by Nirzhar Pradhan.

7th Grade Cyber Civics DSC_4469-Edit Graber Cyber Civics IMG_0077